Taboo in family communication seen by adolescents

Zuzana Veldová


Family communication is an important supposal for the family functioning. One of its disturbing factors is taboo. It affects both, the family system and its members. The niveau of communication varies from family to family, and also according to the phase of the family life-span. One of the important phases is the time when a child is stepping into the adult-life, adolescence. Parents are due to react to the child’s new life position and preferences. In our research, we have answered the questions concerned with the family communication in the eyes of an adolescent. For that, we used FACES II and our own method – Scale of Family Communication. The families of our respondents have been assumed to be rather good-working (both methods have implied that). The adolescents were unsatisfied with their parents’ behaviour concerned with the adolescents’ privacy and respect. They appreciated parents being supportive, and they trusted them. The biggest taboo has emerged in the area of emotion communication. In this area, we also have found the main differences between mother and father when communicating with an adolescent, and between boys and girls. The latter rank the emotion communicating higher. The dimensions of our own method – Scale of Family Communication – correlates with the FACES-dimensions, and therefore, we assume the scale as wellreflecting the family communication, actually the family functioning in whole.

(Fulltext in Czech)


adolescence, family, communication, taboo


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