Adult users of cochlear implant and quality of their life

Ivana Marášková


The article is based on thesis, which is focused on psychological aspects of hearing-impairment and the possibilities of its compensation including the various kinds of hearing aids and lately also cochlear implant. The cochlear implant is one of the state-of-the-art compensation aid for people with profound hearing impair. The article shortly describes history of cochlear implantation in the Czech Republic and also situtation of users of cochlear implant. The research is centred on survey of quality of life of adult users of cochlear implant and benefit of cochlear implant. From the outcomes of thesis are concluded recommendations for professional care. Research design has a form of combined research. Author used following methods for the research: semi-structured interview, Subjective Quality of Life Analysis SQUALA and Glasgow Benefit Inventory.

(Fulltext in Czech)


quality of life, cochlear implant, hearing aids, deaf people


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