Psychological contexts of nutrition and coping with stress
Experimental and case studies proved immediate and long term effects of nutrition on human behavior and mental health. This comparative study focused on the connection between eating habits and coping with stress. Research questions identified statistically significant differences between people eating macrobiotics and those with majority eating habits in results of the Sense of Coherence Scale (Antonovsky, 1993) and Personal Views Survey (Kobasa, 1985). The research was done using the quota sample of university students of humanities (N = 64, 32 males, 32 females, age 20 – 30). The control group was composed with the method of pairing according to age, sex, education and dietary behavior. T-test for independent samples showed statistically significant differences in total scores of the Sense of Coherence Scale (p<0,05) and Personal Views Survey (p<0,01).
(Fulltext in Czech)
psychology of nutrition, stress, macrobiotics, hardiness, sense of coherenceLiterature
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