The Czech version of the Experience in Close Relationships Scale (ECR): A pilot study of assessment of attachment in adulthood

Martin Lečbych
Klára Pospíšilíková


The attachment theory has been regarded as an influential approach in developmental and clinical psychology. Our study is focused on the proposal of a Czech translation of the Experiences in Close Relationships scale (ECR), which is one of the authoritative instruments to measure the two basic dimensions of attachment (attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance) in adulthood. We tried to conduct the translation procedure in accordance with methodology of other European studies (Alonso-Arbiol et al. 2007, 2008). In our pilot study we compared the self-assessment results of Czech and American psychology students. We also investigated the internal consistency of the Czech version of the ECR. We found no statistically significant differences between the Czech and American groups, which partially supports the assumption of cultural transferability of the ECR. This finding proved consistent with similar previous studies in European countries. We also gained relatively satisfactory coefficients in the internal consistency. In the discussion we point out the problematic areas of the translation and suggest possible incentives for further development of the scale.

(Fulltext in Czech)


attachment, ECR, measure of attachment


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