Overweight and obesity among children and adolescents in the UK – the current status and approaches, based on knowledge of the psychosocial and environmental aspects of the problem

Hana Včelařová
Marcela Bendová


The paper introduces the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents in the current UK and some knowledge of British researches focused on the role of psychosocial and environmental variables in the creation, development and maintenance of overweight and obesity.

The United Kingdom is an ethnically diverse country which has always raised doubts about the value of the compared data of overweight and obesity that has been obtained in different ethnic groups living here. One part of this paper is dedicated to this problem and its current solution in the country. Further, the paper introduces researches concerned with the relationships between overweight and obesity of British native population and various ethnic groups and with their psychosocial and environmental variables that are always formed, accompanied or varied by a characteristic way of interpersonal communication. The conclusion of the paper is devoted to the strategies that are currently applied to address the problem of overweight and obesity in some administrative areas of the country. Creators of the Foresight Obesity Project (Butland et al., 2007) propose solutions to increasing incidence of overweight and obesity that involve relevant ministerial departments and that could be realized through responsible institutions. Such changes would better fit human (psycho) biology and more naturally lead to a healthier lifestyle.

(Fulltext in Czech)


BMI, children, adolescent, overweight, obesity, psychosocial and environmental aspects, United Kingdom


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