The analysis of relationship among effective communication, self- esteem and specific personality factors in marriage couples

Daniela Ferenc


The article, in both theoretical and research approach, analyses reciprocal relationships among effective communication, self-esteem and specific personality factors of spouses in married couples. In the theoretical part, we defined this three constructs and referred to their reciprocal relationships. There were 60 married couples (i.e. 120 respondents) between 22 to 80 years that took part in our research. Testing methods consisted of questionnaires for effective communication and self-esteem made by us, Rosenberg self-esteem scale, semantic differential scale and personal questionnaire NEO-FFI. The goal of our research was to find out specifics of using elements of effective communication in married couples; and also to enquire after their connections with personal profiles of spouses, their self-esteem, self-perception, perception of a spouse, quality of communication, and age. A significantly positive relation between effective communication and Self-esteem, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness in married couples was confirmed. The significant relationship was found between personal factors (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Conscientiousness) and Self-esteem. A relation between spouses in the perception of self, a spouse and quality of communication was also confirmed.

(Fulltext in Slovak)


effective communication, self-esteem, personal factors, marriage, Big Five


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