Psychology of prayer

Vladislava Bartáková


Practice of prayer has negative or positive psychological effects depending on the extent of frankness put in the prayer. Prayer, for which is characteristic instrumentation of God for own needs, brings in the end negative effects. Prayer might be filled by fetishistic and autistic intentions, might become an escape from real problems. The prayer related to God who is value himself leads to positive effect in its consequences: openness, trust and expression of will to change play important roles here. This process results in psycho-hygienic relevant development of regularity and order in everyday practice, clarification of values and differentiation between important and secondary things. Encounter with oneself, which is part of the prayer, challenges the worshipper to become willing to admit own mistakes, accept them and become able to bear the truth about own self. Similar process occurs in psychotherapy, where the person develops his positive aspects, recovers his abilities, lives a more authentic and fulfilling life. One doesn’t become a faultless man all of a sudden, but he „clarifies“ his personality, behavior as well as relationships. He becomes more and more integrated and authentic.


prayer, effects of prayer, interpretation of God


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