Reflection of Anorexia Nervosa in Figure Drawing Test

Iveta Ondroušková


The study is primarily focused on question whether the projective technique Figure Drawing Test (FDT) could be an appropriate alternative diagnostic tool for an assessment of the personality and the specific psychopathology for the women with diagnosis of the Anorexia Nervosa (AN). Another aim of the study was the possibility of interpreting the detected signs in a context of the presented disorder. Two groups were assembled – the clinical one (the women with the diagnosis AN; 43 people) and the comparative one (the women from the general population, 43 people). We used the common known method of Figure Drawing Test in order to monitor selected variables. The quantitative approach was used to obtain the results from the FDT. As a whole we detected 37 signs where the frequency in both groups differed statistically in the significant level. About the eight signs of total seemed to be diagnostically valuable. Based on the results we assume that the FDT would be the useful diagnostic tool for assessing the personal psychopathology that can be found between the women with the AN diagnosis and can be used for determining of the prognosis. It is assumed that it may serve as the tool for evaluating of the success in the therapy and in the changes of the patient's mental state during treatment as well or in the Art Therapy etc.

(Fulltext in Czech)


eating disorders, Figure Drawing Test, projective techniques, Anorexia Nervosa


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