Early maladaptive schemas, attachment and coping styles in a clinical and non-clinical sample

Kristina Medalová
Roman Procházka


Early Maladaptive Schemas (EMS) are emotional patterns, developed during childhood and elaborated throughout one's lifetime. Triggering a schema activates the amygdala system, which can lead to anxiety and maladaptive behaviour in adulthood. In our research (N=87) we analysed the relationship between EMS, adult attachment dimensions, the partnership satisfaction and the negative coping styles in a sample of clients with addictions (49) and in a non-clinical sample (38). EMS were positively related with anxiety and avoidance in relationships and negative coping styles. Partnership satisfaction and EMS indicated a negative correlation. The clinical sample’s EMS were significantly higher compared to the non-clinical group. Further research must be done to confirm our results. Nevertheless, the findings suggest the possible role of EMS in developing psychopathology and thus support the principles of schematherapy.

(Fulltext in Slovak)


early maladaptive schemas, attachment, coping strategies, partnership satisfaction, schema therapy


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