Comparing deception detection accuracy of Czech police officers and students of economics and management

Lenka Mynaříková


The study looks at the ability to detect nonverbal deception among police officers and economics and management students in the Czech Republic. Respondents from police departments (n=197) and university students of human resources (n=161) completed a deception detection task and evaluated veracity of the statements of suspects in 21 videos from real crime investigations. Their evaluations were based on nonverbal behavior. Voices in the video clips were modified so that words were not recognizable, yet paraverbal voice characteristics were preserved. Results suggest respondents have a tendency to so-called lie bias, i.e. a tendency to evaluate the statements preferably as deceptive. In the evaluation of video clips, stereotypes also played a significant role. The statements of suspects of a different ethnicity, younger age or specific visual features were considered deceitful more often. Research might be beneficial for training professionals, who use techniques of deception detection in crime investigation, for identification of deception during job interviews or in other fields.

(Fulltext in Czech)


deception detection, police officers, management, forensic psychology, work and organizational psychology


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