Non-questionnaire measurement of family relationships: methods and research studies

Xenie Uholyeva


A gap in the theoretical background created numerous difficulties and inconsistencies in the measurement of the characteristic of family relationships and family interactions, but also in the interpretation of obtained results. Mostly we deal with family relationships using standardized questionnaires and inventories or simple lists of questions. However, there are many other methods, approaches and ideas on how to operationalize family relationships. This study provides an overview of some of the problematic areas in the measurement of family relationships and its consequences. The aim of the study is to explore methods that form an alternative to the questionnaires and inventories, and explore their potential for the measurement of family relationships and interactions. We pay particular attention to projective techniques. Many methods that are mentioned in the study are uncommon, but they have a great potential for use in this area. The study indicated some problems with the interpretation of results: cultural diversity, the problem of distinguishing subjective and personal point of view, social desirability.

(Fulltext in Czech)


family, relationships, projective techniques, spatial operationalization of relationships


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