Mood induction procedures of anger, joy, fear and sadness

Dalibor Kučera ORCID logo
Jana Havigerová


The article deals with the methodology of Mood Induction Procedures (MIPs), and presents the results of a research which employed MIPs to evaluate the influence of four different emotionally demanding situations on emotional self-reflection of 41 university students (men and female, average age 21). The primary aim of the given research (EH-IPCH; 2010–2012; Plzeň, Hradec Králové, Brno) was to describe participants’ sensitivity to “artificial” emotional situations, and to characterize components of the resultant emotion. The research findings point to a significant difference between emotional self-reflection of probands when comparing the induction (i.e. experimental) situation and the ordinary (non-experimental) situation; therefore, inductions have been considered successful. Moreover, certain differences have been observed when comparing self-reflection of men and women – women tend to be more sensitive to emotional situations than men. The paper calls attention to both the research potential and limits of MIPs in the context of social science disciplines.

(Fulltext in Czech)


mood induction procedure, anger, joy, fear, sadness, self-reflection


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