The importance and value of marriage in terms of age

Hana Pavlíčková


Marriage is currently in a strong competition with cohabitation, that’s why we focused on demographic and sociological aspects of changes in marital behavior among respondents older than 20 years. To get more comprehensive overview of the attitudes of the Czech population to marriage, we chose the following areas: a subjectively percieved function of marriage, the conditions before marriage, the motivation for marriage, the expectations of marriage, the communication about the needs and wishes and distribution of roles in the marital relationship. Data were collected using a questionnaire of our own design based on a thorough research of mainly local literature. The obtained data were tested by the principal component analysis, one-way analysis of variance and the Tukey test. We detected significant differences among respondents 20–39 years and respondents 60 and over, where these intervals are based on a division of adulthood by Marie Vágnerová. The sample consisted of 199 respondents (149 women and 50 men). There were 105 respondents in marriage, 54 singles, 10 were widowed, 12 were divorced, and 18 respondents had a companion/mate. Results of the analyses showed statistically significant differences among respondents aged 20–39 years, and 60 or more years in perceived functions of marriage, the conditions before marriage, expectations of marriage and division of roles in marriage.

(Fulltext in Czech)


marriage, the decline of marriage rate, the changing structure of marriage, roles in marriage, motivation for marriage


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