Predictors of norm-violating behavior in the goal directed behavior

Radka Čopková
Noémi Matyiová
Michal Bartko


The aim of the presented study was the identification of significant predictors of non-ethical behavior in a goal directed behavior. 165 university students aged from 18 to 26 (Mage=21,7; SD=1,78) has participated in the study. The battery of 16 goal dimensions’ scales, the scale of injunctive and descriptive normative belief (Lovaš, 1998), the scale of intention to violate the norm (Čopková, Lovaš, 2016; Čopková, Matyiová, 2016) and the questionnaire of Self-importance of moral identity were used (Aquino, Reed, 2003). Using the exploratory factor analysis, three factors of goal dimensions were identified: the commitment to reach the goal, the crisis in the goal attainment and the meaningfulness of the goal. The data processed by the regression analysis showned these as significant predictors: the commitment to reach the goal, the crisis in the goal attainment, injunctive, the descriptive normative belief and also the self-importance of moral identity, which explains the 50,2 % of the variance of the intention to violate the norm.

(Fulltext in Slovak)


goal dimensions, normative beliefs, moral identity, intention to violate the norm


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