Coping with oncological illness and relationship satisfaction at patients and their intimate partners

Kateřina Bubeníková
Marie Marečková


The research has three main objectives which focuse on finding links between chosen coping strategies and relationship satisfaction. Ten hypotheses were determined on the basis of literary sources. The research sample consisted of 60 respondents (30 pairs). It included the oncological patients and their intimate partners. The data were collected by using questionnaires. The first part focused on the detection of the socio-demographic data. The second part was made up of items from the method WOC-CA (Dunkel-Schetter et al., 1992) designed to measure coping strategies. The third section included items of method DAS (Spanier, 1976) for measuring relationship satisfaction. The statistical analysis was not able to confirm the research assumptions.

(Fulltext in Czech)


partnership satisfaction, oncological illness, social support, coping strategies


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