Psychosomatic research: brief review of conceptions, development and contemporary issues
Despite the wide range of studies focused on the relationship between mental and somatic health, researchers still have not reached the agreement on the definition of the concept of psychosomatic. Views on psychosomatic illnesses and its causes are constantly changing according to historical context as well as research approaches. Due to uncertainties and conception ambiguity comparability of studies becomes very challenging. Foreign scientific resources focus on psychosomatics in adequate extent. Despite the fact that this topic is widely popularized in our country relevant studies are still at its beginnings and secluded in separate fields of medicine. The aim of this overview study is to outline the development of psychosomatic concepts, introduce the most influential directions in psychosomatic research, point out the diversity of understanding of concepts of psychosomatic, illustrate current research trends and provide a fundamental summary of psychosomatic research in Czech Republic.
(Fulltext in Czech)
psychosomatics, psychosomatic medicine, researchLiterature
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