Pud u Freuda [Freud’s instinct].

Martin Musil

Freud’s instinct is after Forms of feelings: Lacan’s theory (Karolinum 2008) and Games (Karolinum 2010, co-author Miroslav Klusák) another extensive book by Miloš Kučera from the Department of psychology of Pedagogical faculty of Charles University in Prague. The book will attract a reader at the first sight, almost whole cover of the book is taken by the photography of Sigmun Freud and the title Freud’s instinct curtly informs about the book’s topic. Also the introduction of the text is similarly straightforward. A reader would maybe expect a broader introduction with explanation why exactly the topic of psychoanalysis was chosen, for instance with respect to its interdisciplinary a culture significance, as many author do. Instead of this, from the very first sentence Kučera follows his intention, which is immediately clarified – to prove that reading Freud is better than reading about Freud. At the same time he wants to show how to read Freud or rather how himself reads it.

(Fulltext in Czech)