Structure of vocational interests in Slovak elementary school pupils based on RIASEC models

Marcel Martončik
Monika Kačmárová


The goal of the study was to verify the validity of three RIASEC models of the structure of vocational interests in Slovak elementary school pupils. Verified models were the Holland's circular model, the Gati's hierarchical model, and the Rounds and Tracey's modified hierarchical model. The assumptions from these models were tested using the Hubert and Arabie's rando­mization test of hypothetical orders and multidimensional scaling. The sample consisted of 400 pupils from 8th to 9th grade attending primary school (M = 14 years, SD = 1), who were administered a questionnaire Dotazník štruktúry všeobecných záujmov[DŠVZ]. The structure of vocational interests of Slovak pupils was best explained by the Holland's circular model. Implications for using the questionnaire DŠVZ in practice are also discussed.

(Fulltext in Slovak)


vocationali nterests, structure of interests, RIASEC, Holland's theory, hexagonal model


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