Accessibility and quality of mental health care for foreigners in Prague

Martin Tušl
Markéta Niederlová


The present study aimed to explore the accessibility and the quality of mental health care for foreigners in Prague. Introduction briefly outlines the situation of immigration and foreign population in the Czech Republic with a particular focus on the capital city. Further, risk factors that are associated with mental health of foreigners who live in the Czech Republic are discussed. A summary about culturally competent practice in mental health care and the current state of the Czech mental health care conclude this section. Empirical part explores foreigners’ experience with mental health services in Prague and identifies the principal barriers that hinder their access to a good quality care. The sample was composed of 27 participants, of which 20 were English and 7 Russian speaking. Data collection was primarily via an online questionnaire and several semi-structured interviews. The findings identified four principal barriers that adversely impact the accessibility (cost, language, information, accessibility), and two barriers that adversely impact the quality (professionalism, cultural differences) of mental health care for foreigners. Outcomes of the research are discussed and possible ways that could lead to an improvement of the current situation are suggested. Finally, we provide a brief overview of mental health institutions in Prague where foreigners may seek help.


mental health, foreigners in Prague, intercultural psychology, cultural competency, qualitative research


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