The intensive parenting and its relationship to the quality of maternal scaffolding during mother-child play

Adéla Woznicová
Renata Hlavová
Petra Daňsová ORCID logo
Lenka Lacinová


The purpose of this study was to find out and verify relationships between the amount of organized activities (OAs) of children in preschool age, mother’s trust in organismic development and maternal scaffolding quality during mother-child play. Thirty-four pairs of mothers and their children aged 52–83 months participated in this study. The data was collected through a questionnaire and by observation of the game. Results revealed that higher educated mothers and mothers with higher trust in organismic development showed less poor-quality scaffolding during play in comparison to mothers without higher education and to mothers with lower trust in organismic development. Although higher educated mothers can excessively structure their children’s leisure time through OAs, there did not appear any effect of this on the autonomy support during the play and therefore on the scaffolding quality. This study brings a new view to issues of intensive parenting and the excessive structuring of children’s time.

(Fulltext in Czech)


scaffolding, organized activities, trust in organismic development, preschool age


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