Relationship between preferred leisure time activities and creativity of Czech teenagers

Jana Poddaná


The theme of the study is to analyze the relationship between leisure activities and creativity in the population of Czech adolescents aged 13–15 years. Prague respondents (N = 398, eighth grade pupils and first-year students of a six-year grammar school) completed two tests of creativity. The first one former was the Torrance Test of Incomplete Figures examining nonverbal creativity, the latter was the original Monkey test examining verbal creativity by writing a short story about a picture. The results of the verbal and nonverbal test of creativity were confronted with the leisure time activities of the respondents. In the case of creative activities and creativity tests, a relation was found by explorative factor analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and Pearson´s corre­lation coefficient. Furthermore, a positive relation was found between creative leisure time activities and the nonverbal factor and even in the case of verbal factor of creativity (r=0.149 and r=0.161; p<0.01). A positive relation was found between social leisure time activities and verbal factor of creativity among students of grammar school (r=0.143). A negative relation was also found between passive leisure time activities and verbal factor of creativity (r=-0.101; p<0.05). The type of school explained almost 12 % variance of measured creativity in the Torrance Test, gender explained 2 %. Students of grammar schools scored in both creativity tests significantly higher than primary school pupils. Further, gender differences were found in both creativity tests while girls scored significantly higher than boys.

(Fulltext in Czech)


creativity, leisure activities, adolescence, creativity tests


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