The reliability and factor validity of the SPARO questionnaire

Hynek Cígler ORCID logo
Adéla Rudá


In 2009, the SPARO questionnaire was one of the most used assessment methods in the Czech Republic (Urbánek, 2010), especially between psychologists in human resources, prisons, police, or the army. However, empirical evidence of its reliability and validity is missing. Using a significant sample of police officers and applicants to police, we researched the questionnaire's re­liability and factor validity. About half of the scales do not have adequate internal consistency; the majority of them are not unidimensional. Factor validity is questionable, especially in the main components of the questionnaire, which are highly correlated. These correlations were also present in the original standardized samples as our and original correlation matrices do not differ. The factor structure of the two general factors items is not clear and two dimensional. Our results do not support the use of the questionnaire in practice. It is necessary to confirm its’ predictive validity; the criterion validity is evaluated in our follow up study (Cígler & Rudá, 2021).

(Fulltext in Czech)


internal consistency, factor validity, SPARO, Police of the Czech Republic, personal selection


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