Aggressive driving and its manifestations in relation to personality traits, other personality variables, situational context and possible preventive measures

Miroslava Horáková ORCID logo


Aggressive driving is an important phenomenon today. Our study describes aggressive driving, its specific manifestation, and analyses possible causes and the main context. It´s shown that aggressive driving is a complicated construct with multifactorial causes and has a wide range of manifestations, from mild forms to road rage. The main point of aggressive driving is such driver´s behaviour, which threatens or restricts other road users and leads to risky situations. Lots of studies find as the main reason for aggressive driving the personality characteristics (sensation-seeking, impulsivity, aggressiveness, and irritability), the personality structure Big Five seems to be a good predictor seems. Other studies rate as the key causes the situational factors, like traffic congestion, anonymity on the roads, and time pressure. The multifactorial approach evaluates this phenomenon as the result of internal and external factors. The important influencing factors are social norms and driving culture in a country. In conclusion, we discuss possible preventive measures for minimization of aggressive driving behaviour that should be complex and effect as individuals (therapeutic programs for aggressive drivers, education in driving schools preventive campaigns) so external environment (changes in road environment with the goal of minimization the driving pressure).

(Fulltext in Czech)


aggressiveness, aggressive driving, causes of aggressive driving, driving anger, preventive measures


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