Experience sampling method in naturalistic conditions: Nomothetic and idiographic approach

Daniel Dančík ORCID logo
Michal Hajdúk ORCID logo
Anton Heretik ORCID logo


There is growing evidence of capturing human experience in daily life using intensive longitudinal data obtained via daily diaries or experience sampling. These data offer a wide range of information regarding the dynamics of mental processes and behavior and how they unfold within individuals over time and within specific situations. The aim of this paper is to present the Experience Sampling Method (ESM) in the context of mental health research and through selective examples explain the possibilities of how to use data for nomothetic and idiographic inferences and conclusions. This paper is not an exhaustive description of the ESM topic, but rather a brief overview of the emerging methods for capturing daily experience regarding psychopathology, its limitations and future perspective.


(Fulltext in Slovak)


Experience Sampling Method, intensive longitudinal data, personalized psychopathology


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