The 6th Annual Gerontological Interdisciplinary Conference on Ageing - Looking back
The 6th Annual Gerontological Interdisciplinary Conference on Ageing was held in early February 2023. The main theme of this year's conference was issues related to the extension of human life and the ageing of society. This year's program was particularly varied and rich, coming from a wide range of disciplines dealing with the topic of ageing. There were five invited lectures and twenty-three papers presented in thematic sessions over the two days, four posters were presented, as well. The lectures and papers can be accessed on the YouTube channel of the Conference. Many thanks for the smooth running of the event go to the entire organizing committee, as well as to the Alzheimer Foundation, the Prague School of Psychosocial Studies and the registered society Neurotrend, who were the co-organizers. Thanks should also belong to all the participants for the pleasant and inspiring atmosphere.
(Fulltext in Czech)