Psychological study of the later parenthood motives

Irena Bímová


Later motherhood is a present phenomenon, and it’s usually connected with modern life style. There was already a lot of written about this theme in foreign literature. Unfortunately, the studies revealing the motives, which lead to later motherhood in more details, are missing in Czech Republic. This study tries partly to fill this gap, which this article comes from. The aim of it is to introduce the motives of the women who have their first child after their 35th years by qualitative research. The main method used in this research is the semi structured interview with ten women. In professional literature five basic aspects are mentioned in the connection with the later parenthood: psychological, social demographic, spiritual, biological, medical and economical. The research didn’t prove definite domination of one factor. In six cases, we can talk about medical factors whereas in four cases, these factors were combined with looking for the right partner and with career. The psychological factors played also its role, mostly not separately but in combination with other factors. From the research some proposals result for the practice. The special program for these women, should focus on strengthening of identity, self-confidence and personal development. The women should receive information concerning law-work affairs. They should also receive realistic view on motherhood and healthy lifestyles.

(Fulltext in Czech)


later motherhood, career of women, infertility, programs for women, case study


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