Effective factors of group psychotherapy

Martin Jániš


Research on psychotherapy has not been fully connected with a psychotherapeutic practice. These efforts could be supported by the study of (common non- specific) effective factors of group psychotherapy (known among researchers as therapeutic factors). These are the elements (events, mechanisms, activities) in group psychotherapy, which are responsible for patients´ improvement. These factors have been summed up by many researchers.. I. D. Yalom & M. Leszcz (2007); S. Bloch & E. Crouch (1985); S. Kratochvíl (2005) and P. Dierick & G. Lietaer (2008) belong to the most important ones. Their lists differ terminologically, which may cause misunderstanding. The terminology should be made clearer. It is also possible to outline, which factors should be supported during the therapy. It depends on the phase of the therapy, on the goals of the therapeutic group and on the needs of the patients. Finally, we have to state that the basic effective factor of psychotherapy is the relationship between therapist and clients. It is the condition (sine qua non) of the functioning of therapeutic factors.

(Fulltext in Czech)


psychotherapy, group psychotherapy, research in psychotherapy, effective factors, therapeutic factors


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