Personality structure and achievement motivation of managers in NGOs and Business

Matúš Šucha


Background: Our contribution focuses on leadership effectiveness in organisations from manager’s point of view. We concentrate on personality traits and achievement motivation of successful managers. We try to verify if there is a significant difference in personality structure, achievement and work motivation between managers working in NGOs and managers working in business. Furthermore, we specify characteristic personality traits and the structure of achievement motivation for both groups – managers in business and managers in NGOs.
Methods: we used test battery of two standardizes psychometric tests: NEO Big Five Personality Inventory and Achievement Motivation Test (LMI). Explorative sample: included 134 managers (middle level and top level) – 71 working in business, 63 working in NGOs.
Outcomes: In both measured characteristics – personality traits and achievement motivation – we found significant differences between the two groups of managers (except for neuroticism scale and compensatory effort scale). We can conclude that there are differences in personality structure and achievement motivation between managers working in NGOs and managers working in business.

(Fulltext in Czech)


personality, achievement motivation, work motivation, NGO, management


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