Meaningfulness of life and emotionality

Petra Sobková
Peter Tavel


The connection between emotionality and meaningfulness of life is often discussed nowadays. Some research results suggest a connection. The goal of our research was to place the problematic of meaningfulness of life into the context of human emocionality and to find out if there is a connection between subjectively experienced meaningfulness and human emocionality. Questionnaires were used as a method of data collection: Logo-test, the questionnaire of life meaningfullness and the PANAS-X test (Positive and Negative Affect Schedule – Expanded Form). The questionnaires were distributed among university students (N=120). To prove the stated hypothesis methods of descriptive statistics were used. The research suggests that both positive and negative emotions are closely associated with perceived existential frustration.

(Fulltext in Czech)


emotion, meaning of life, existential frustration, Logo-test, PANAS-X


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