Practical possibilities of psychological work with the topic of ‘meaning of life’ by children and youth

Peter Tavel
Tomáš Kanálik


The study assumes that a feeling of meaningfulness of the world and life is an important part of the development of personality of a child and an adolescent. The study presents several other studies that show how the experienced meaningfulness influences the health and the quality of life in the early years. An adolescent sometimes brings the question of the meaning of life to existential limits; he/she seeks his/her own identity. This process is often accompanied by inner shocks. Even children need to understand meaningful contexts and connections. Meaning of life is also one of the goals of upbringing and education. The article presents a short overview and a description of psychological techniques and games that concentrate at the meaning of life. They are not concrete instructions, but types of activities that can be of benefit by the work with children and youth. Games are suitable means, because they are part of the lives of children and at same time they present one of the important means of upbringing and education.

(Fulltext in Slovak)


games, goal of life, meaning of life, childhood


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