Ayahuasca experiences in Europe – motivation, potential benefits and danger

Veronika Kavenská
Šárka Vosáhlová


The study is about experiences of Czech participants of the Ayahuasca sessions taking place in Europe. Owing to the expansion of spiritual tourism, some people seek the experience with the hallucinogenic vine Ayahuasca in particular. This plant is used during Ayahuasca sessions, usually led by a shaman coming from South America. The purpose of the research of this work is to investigate the motivations of the participants, the form of ceremonies taking place in Europe, mental experience of the participants, and last but not least how they evaluate their experience. It is a qualitative research. The research file consists of twenty participants. The results bring a fundamental insight into this problem – involving several categories of motivation, describing the ceremony, including its organization part, and illustrating mental experience of the participants. Although the participants mentioned only positive experiences, it is necessary to take into consideration the risk associated with this phenomenon.

(Fulltext in Czech)


halucinogens, ayahuasca, spiritual tourism


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