Value orientation of blood donors

Eva Hruščová


This study was focused on research of the value orientation of blood donors. The aim of this work is to find out the differences in separate value orientations between donors and non-donors, first-time donors and multiple donors. One hundred and forty-two respondents participated in the survey, namely seventy-one blood donors and seventy-one non-donors. A demographic questionnaire for blood donors and non-donors and a PVQ 40 questionnaire of value orientation was used as research tools. The results confirmed the differences towards power and success value orientations between donors and non-donors. As was assumed, the differences between the donors and non-donors in regard to stimulation, hedonism, self-determination, tradition, conformance, and safety value orientations were not confirmed. The differences between first-time donors and multiple donors in benevolence and universalism value orientations were not confirmed.

(Fulltext in Slovak)


value orientation, blood donation


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