Partnership satisfaction of women with academic careers

Veronika Očenášková
Irena Sobotková ORCID logo


The article examines the level of partnership satisfaction of women working in academia. It is based on part of a wider-ranging research project. The main aim of the research presented here is to examine the degree of satisfaction in existing partnerships, its components and those areas of partnership satisfaction which are subjectively perceived as important. Moreover, the study explores the subjective opinion of women on adjustment in their partnership and on the overall relationship quality as judged by their demanding occupation. As far as the research design is concerned, a concurrent nested strategy was used with an emphasis on qualitative methodology (Cresswell, 2003). The main methods of data collection were semi-structured interviews, supplemented by a quantitative Dyadic Adjustment Scale. The research sample consisted of 32 women aged between 30 and 52, who have been working in academia for a minimum of three years and who have been living in a stable relationship for at least 3 years. Partial results show that women who are satisfied in their partnership share the same values, way of thinking and interests with their partner. Factors such as mutual respect and striving to find a compromise produce a positive impact on the relationship. The negative aspects of partnership satisfaction include a critical inability to accept the career success by the partner, excessive individualism and domination on the side of the woman and negative incidents in the life of partners. As the researched theme is highly topical, the results obtained may assist in further developing psychological consulting aimed towards women with similarly demanding occupations.

(Fulltext in Czech)


women in academia, partnership satisfaction, gender, dual career marriage


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