Love is love: experiences and conceptions of 15-years-old adolescents

Lenka Lacinová
Radka Michalčáková
Zuzana Masopustová


The study examines 15-year-old respondents of study ELSPAC descriptions of representation of term „to date somebody“ and their descriptions of advantages and disadvantages of romantic relationships. The majority of adolescents currently have of had dating experiences in the past. We noticed that girls appeared to have more to say than boys about meaning of „dating“ and about negative aspects of romantic relationships. Respondents were the most likely mention general descriptions of romantic relationships. The second category was created by affiliative characteristics of romantic relationships (shared leisure activities, humor, fun etc.). Advantages of romantic relationships more than disadvantages characterized these adolescents’ views of this type of close relationship.

(Fulltext in Czech)


romantic relationships, middle adolescence, ELSPAC


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