Reading books in relation to verbal and figural creativity of adolescents

Nika Konrádyová
Miriam Slavkovská


The aim of this study was to investigate the existence of prospective differences in factors of verbal and figural creativity, like fluency, flexibility and elaboration, between pupils who read books in their free time and those who do not read. The next aim was to determine the extent of influence of reading in free time on verbal and figural creativity. Totally 169 pupils from elementary schools participated in this research. Number of those who read in their free time was 63 (37,28%). In the group there were totally 89 (52,66%) boys and 80 (47,33%) girls. Participants ranged in age from 10 to 15 years (M= 13,08; SD= 0,82). Data were collected with using Torrance Test of Creative Thinking – figural part and some adapted tasks from tests of verbal creativity from Guilford and Torrance. The results show that there are significant differences between readers and non-readers in verbal and figural creativity. Differences were also demonstrated in the most factors of creativity, the only exception was figural fluency. Further analysis of data showed more significant influence of reading on score in verbal than in figural creativity, where the influence is negligible.

(Fulltext in Slovak)


creativity, reading, pupils


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