Picture of anorexia nervosa in the adolescents´ protocol of the Rorschach test – case report

Nikol Kuchtová ORCID logo
Martin Seitl ORCID logo


The aim of this study is to present a case report based on the Rorschach protocol of an adolescent patient with anorexia nervosa, demonstrating hypervigilant experiencing and distorted thinking patterns. Based on the psychological characteristics of adolescence and quantitative research on the monitoring of eating disorders with the Rorschach test, the key variables of the applied method and their expected configuration are defined. The case study presents anamnestic data of a seventeen-year-old patient with anorexia nervosa and information about the context of the psychological diagnosis performed. The protocol contains 37 responses collected according to the rules of the Comprehensive System. The scoring is done according to the Comprehensive System rules and includes the scales used in previous studies. The scoring system for barriers and penetrations is also newly used. In addition to assessing agreement with the expected configuration of variables (introversion; high PTI, Wsum6, Mp; low H and Hd; high dysphoric experiencing, aggression and S), particular attention is paid to the dynamics of the protocol and the importance of partial variables in the overall protocol picture, focusing on distorted thinking, body theme and aggression. The case study offers insight into the dynamics of hypervigilant and fantasy-distorted experiences of body themes. In addition to the limitations of the idiographic approach to personality, the limitation is the absence of other patient protocols reflecting the disease's deve­lopment.


(Fulltext in Czech)


Rorschach test, Anorexia Nervosa, adolescence, differential diagnosis, case study


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