The bound and unbound font of writing of pupils at the 3rd grade of elementary school

Olga Kučerová
Daniel Kubín
Anna Kucharská


This study is focused on the comparison of handwriting of pupils in the third grade of elementary school. There were two groups of subjects, the first one used ordinary handwriting and the second used the Comenia Script font. The study describes typical problems related to the learning level of both groups and pinpoints these which could be symptoms of more serious problems. The research sample was a group of 180 pupils divided equally. There was a diagnostic testing at the end of third grade (2013) focused on currently achieved handwriting skills of both groups. The methods and the differences were logged. For evaluation purposes there was used a modified assessing scale of Veverková and Kucharská (2012). It consists of four categories: graphomotoric aspects of handwriting, orthographic aspects of handwriting, the error rate and the ability of correcting errors. Every category contains number of indicators through which we completed overall apprehension of the handwriting level for examined pupils. Every indicator was independently classified at 1–3 scale. Results of this study might be used in the clinical psychological consulting.

(Fulltext in Czech)


handwriting, italics, Comenia Script, handwriting assessment


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