Self-esteem and personality traits of the educators of children's camps
People with a higher level of self-esteem show a low level of neuroticism and a high level of friendliness, conscientiousness, extraversion, and openness to experience, which could be ideal preconditions for the position of an educator at a children's camp. This work aims to find out whether there is a difference in self-esteem and personality traits between educators and the general population. 1,153 respondents (18–40 years) participated in this research, where 563 were educators and 590 were respondents from the general population. Data were obtained using an online questionnaire, which consisted of demographic questions, RSES and BFI-44. Data were analyzed by basic descriptive statistics and T-test for independent selections. Educators show a higher value of self-esteem and of all other factors except for neuroticism, where lower values were recorded. Former participants in children's camps became educators more often. The results can be applied in the selection of suitable leaders for the positions of educators.
(Fulltext in Czech)
self-esteem, personality traits, educator, camp leaderLiterature
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